Student Resources
Most Important Links
Headrush– Track your projects here.
List of project ideas – This link will take you to the Tagos Leadership Academy website’s list of project topics created by the study body.
List of product ideas – Want to move beyond making posters to demonstrate your learning? Check out this list of product ideas, compiled by other PBL students.
List of reading product ideas – This list offers options for the product of your Independent Reading Project; talk with your advisor about which you’d like to choose.
Resources!! Here is a wonderful EV created website with all sorts of resources. Here you will find a google form that will let you request support from one of the Advisors from the Pupil Service Team to contact you. You will also find pages with Wellness, Mindfulness, Mental Health, Covid, Parent Resources, and LBGTQ information and links.
Covid Information
TCY Covid Operation Plans – On this link you will find the TCY/EV plan and supports for students and families while Covid is still prevalent in our community.
Safe to Return – Segura para regresar on this link you will find current safety measures related to Covid – 19
Teens Grow Greens – Teens Grow Greens offer several apprenticeship opportunities – Agriculture – Greenhouse and Community Garden, Education, Entrepreneurship, and Hospitality – Food & Beverage and Grounds & Maintenance.
Cream City Conservation – Cream City Conservation Corps program trains and employs young adults 15-25 whose social identities are traditionally underrepresented in the environmental industry. The model is a closed loop system between our Consulting firm and our Corps program. Together, we cultivate the next generation of environmental change agents while strengthening environmental and community-based organizations to attract, develop and retain diverse pools of talent. The Corps program is supported by community partnerships and profits from the Consulting firm.
Other Resources
EasyBib – Use this site to create a bibliography for all of your projects.
BrainFuse – Use your own or the school’s Milwaukee Public Library log in information to access free tutoring and work help.
Prezi – Log in to the full site on a computer in order to have greater ability to personalize your Prezis.
Google Docs – Use this as your primary document creation and editing resource. Access your documents with the app on your iPad or online.
Google Sheets – Use this to create spreadsheets on your iPad or on a computer, including charts, graphs and tables to display your data.
Google Presentation – Use this to create and edit presentations on your iPad or on a computer. Share your presentation and collaborate with group members!
Google Forms – Use this to create surveys for gathering information related to your projects. Make sure to have your survey proofed by your advisor before sending!
Project Starters – A great place to search for project starters by topic.
Science Buddies – Step-by-step instructions for creating a wide variety of science projects.
Exploring Space Through Math – Earn high school math credit by learning about space and the hands-on application of Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II, and Precalculus.
Math Project Ideas – 160 math project ideas organized by topic.
How Stuff Works – Ever wonder…? A great place to find project ideas.
TEDEd – Short, interesting videos that make great project starters.
Pinterest – A visual discovery tool that lets you find project and product ideas based on your own searches.
Teaching a People’s History – A great place for project starters related to Social Studies.
PBS POV – Use activities and video clips from PBS’ Point of View series as a stand-alone project or a starter to a larger project.
What Should I Read Next – Not sure what to read next for your Independent Reading Project? Type in the last book you finished and get a list of books you might like.
High School Reading List – Not sure what to read? Check here for the latest recommendations for teens from the Milwaukee Public Library.
Duolingo – Free online language study for working on your World Languages credit.
Resources for Research and Learning
Open Culture – Free educational resources such as video lessons, e-books, online textbooks, audiobooks, and more.
OER Commons – A compendium of online textbooks. – Take the world’s best courses online, for free.
Project Gutenberg – Free e-books of all kinds.
CK-12 – Math and science practice and interactives.
Khan Academy – Did you know that Khan Academy is more than just math? Check out their other videos in areas such as Science, Economics and Finance, Arts and Humanities, and Computer Programming.
Librivox – Free public-domain audiobooks.
Physics Central – Online comic books related to physics concepts.
Caregiver Resources
For Families of Students with Special Needs
Escuela Verde proudly supports students with special needs through our Special Education Program. Families with a child in our Special Education Program may find the following resources helpful:
- Steps to Success / Pasos hacia el Éxito
- Developing Your Child’s IEP / Desarrollando el IEP de Su Hijo
- Communication Options for Families / Opciones de comunicación para familias
- DPI Guide Book on Dyslexia
Student Progress
Students and advisors use these forms to track progress throughout the school year.
During Home Study, students use this form to make a plan and track work completion.
Summer Programs
Click on the links below to learn about Summer Programs:
- The Princeton University Summer Journalism Program
- Discovery World Summer Camp and Teen Workshops
- Jobs and Internships for teens with the Urban Ecology Center
- Milwaukee Recreation’s Summer Recreation Enrichment Camps
- Summer Youth Dance Company and Camp for Teens
Post-Secondary Resources
Click on the links below to explore college and post-secondary resources:
- College Possible employs coaches who help teens prepare for college and go through the application and financial aid processes.
- City Year corps members spend a year volunteering in schools in various cities (including Milwaukee!) around the US, and many volunteers have the opportunity to receive an Americorps ed award for college.
- Public Allies is another member of the Americorps network. Corps members spend their year of service working for a non-profit in one of many cities (including Milwaukee!) around the US.
- Educator’s Credit Union offers a College Planning Guide that lists resources for finding scholarships, applying for financial aid, and general college planning. Click the above link for the PDF, or go to an ECU or come into EV and ask for a paper copy.
- Parent Support Guide created by can be useful for incoming college freshman and their parents as they go through the college application process.
Health and Safety Information
On March 29, the Governor signed 2021 Act 210 into law. This law requires Escuela Verde, as a school operating youth athletic sports, to notify students about the potential danger of sudden cardiac arrest. The law is designed to help student-athletes learn about this potential danger and how to manage it, as is done with concussions. Learn more about sudden cardiac arrest here.It is also important that student athletes are aware of the risks associated with concussions. Please see the attached fact sheets or visit the CDC’s HEADS UP concussion information page here for more information.
El 29 de marzo, el Gobernador promulgó la Ley 210 de 2021. Esta ley requiere que Escuela Verde, como escuela que opera deportes atléticos juveniles, notifique a los estudiantes sobre el posible riesgo de un paro cardíaco repentino. La ley está diseñada para ayudar a los estudiantes-atletas a aprender sobre este posible peligro y cómo manejarlo, cómo se hace con las conmociones cerebrales. Obtenga más información sobre el paro cardíaco repentino aquí:
También es importante que los estudiantes deportistas sean conscientes de los riesgos asociados con las conmociones cerebrales. Consulte las hojas informativas adjuntas o visite la página de información sobre conmociones cerebrales HEADS UP de los CDC aquí para obtener más información. HEADS UP to School Sports: Parents | HEADS UP | CDC Injury Center
This page features our current listing of available school downloads. You may view/save any of our downloads by clicking one of the following links below:
- 2024-2025 Full Text Student Handbook (English) (Español)
- 2024-2025 Escuela Verde Calendar (English) (Español)
- EV Case for Support (PDF)
- Educational Options
- ESSER III LEA Plan Report-2022
- CTE Letter of Errata
- 2024-2025 ACCESS Test Letter
- ESSA Federal Accountability Report 2022-2023
- 2024-2025 Assessment Information Letter